Court Finds Triable Issue If Purchaser Can Assert Innocent Landowner Defense Due To Flawed Phase 1

Some of the more interesting CERCLA cases involve lawsuits between current and former property owners. Usually, the current owner assumes it qualifies as bona fide prospective purchaser (BFPP) or for the Innocent Landowner (ILO) Defense and sues the defendant/former owner for cost recovery. The defendant/former owner invariably files counterclaims alleging the current owner/plaintiff is not […]

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NYSDOH Revises Vapor Intrusion Guidance to Add Volatile Petroleum Compounds

In February 2024, the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) updated the decision matrices to its “Guidance for Evaluating Soil Vapor Intrusion in the State of New York” (” VI Guidance) to  include 13 volatile petroleum  compounds .  Previously, the NYSDOH decision matrices only assessed potential human health risks for contaminated vapors associated with

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Consultant Not Liable to Residents of Housing Complex For Not Identifying Vapor Risks

A California state court dismissed a negligence claim brought against an environmental consultant by residents of the infamous Ujima Village low income housing complex for failing to identify health risks associated with a former oil storage facility. The 300-unit Ujima Village complex had been constructed on a portion of the former 122-acre Athens Tank Farm

Consultant Not Liable to Residents of Housing Complex For Not Identifying Vapor Risks Read More »

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