toxic tort

Problems Emerge with New CREC Definition

After a little more than six months after ASTM issued its new E1527-13 Phase 1 standard practice, problems are emerging over the new definition Controlled Recognized Environmental Condition (CREC) definition. The difficulties are related to the definition itself and differences among state environmental programs. Before discussing the CREC problems, a little background might be helpful […]

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Vapor Intrusion and Statutes of Limitations

Statutes of limitations (SOL) establish the time period for bringing a cause of action. SOLs are designed to encourage resolution of disputes within a reasonable period of time before facts or evidence is lost through the passage of time, death or disappearance of witness as well as the loss of memory. The SOL will differ

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Environmental Saga Involves Successor Liability, Bankruptcy and Environmental Justice

The most recent decision in Flake v. Schrader-Bridgeport Int’l, Inc., 2011 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 30372  (M.D. Tenn., Mar. 23, 2011) is just another chapter in this long-running environmental saga involving a successor liability, bankruptcy, toxic tort and environmental justice issues along with a piece of American automotive history. This well-traveled case began in a Tennessee county

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Montana Supreme Ct Allows Lawsuit To Proceed For 25 Year Old Plume

In what may be one of the more important common law pollution cases of the past few years, the Montana Supreme Court ruled that property owners may proceed with lawsuit alleging damages from contamination that has migrated from a railyard that had operated by Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Railway Company and its predecessors from

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