EPA To Publish AAI Update Withdrawing Reference to ASTM E1527-13

EPA will publish a final rule in the federal register on December 15th amending its All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI) Rule by recognizing ASTM E1527-21 as a method for complying with AAI and withdrawing the reference to ASTM E1527-13. The rule will become effective 60 days from the date of publication in the federal register. The […]

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OER Proposes New Enforcement Rules for Voluntary Cleanup and “E” Designation Programs

Apparently enough property owners are failing to comply with their reporting and inspection obligations for certifying that institutional and engineering controls remain protective of human health and the environment that the Mayor’s Office of Environmental Remediation (OER) feels it is necessary to enhance its enforcement authorities. Under recently a proposed rule,   OER would be expressly authorized

OER Proposes New Enforcement Rules for Voluntary Cleanup and “E” Designation Programs Read More »

EPA Withdraws Final Rule That Would Have Recognized ASTM E1527-21 While Continuing To Recognize ASTM E1527-13

As we  predicted,  EPA received numerous negative comments to its Direct Final Rule that would have recognized that the new ASTM E1527-21 phase 1 standard may be used to comply with the All Appropriate Inquires (AAI) rule for asserting certain landowner liability defenses and qualify for brownfield grants. All of the comments criticized EPA’s plan to

EPA Withdraws Final Rule That Would Have Recognized ASTM E1527-21 While Continuing To Recognize ASTM E1527-13 Read More »

NYSDEC Unveils Revised BCP Application As Application Fee Becomes Effective

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) revealed its revised Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP) application which reflects changes made the recent Budget agreement.  We previously discussed the revisions to the BCP here. The revised application which took effect on April 25th is available here . The revised form require applicants to provide new and

NYSDEC Unveils Revised BCP Application As Application Fee Becomes Effective Read More »

NY Budget Deal Extends BCP But Sloppy Language May Hamper Use of BCP for Affordable Housing Projects

The New York State budget process is notorious for its murky and secretive process. Under the State Constitution, the Governor proposes a budget in mid-January that contains substantive policy legislation and can unilaterally amend the proposal within 30 days. After the 30-day period expires, amendments can only be made with consultation of the Senate and

NY Budget Deal Extends BCP But Sloppy Language May Hamper Use of BCP for Affordable Housing Projects Read More »

My Article on Why Joint Liability Should No Longer Be the Default Standard Under CERCLA

When Congress enacted the federal Superfund law in 1980, it provided that liability should be governed by evolving notions of common law. The Second Restatement of Torts was in effect at the time the law was passed and favored imposition of joint liability when two or more parties created a common harm. However, there has

My Article on Why Joint Liability Should No Longer Be the Default Standard Under CERCLA Read More »

Expect Adverse Comments as EPA Drops Ball on ASTM Recognition

In our prior blog, we announced that the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) would publish a proposed rule and direct final rule proposing to amend and amending the All Appropriate Inquiries rule (“AAI”)  to reference the revised ASTM E1527-21 ‘‘Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process’’ (“E1527-21”) and allowing it to

Expect Adverse Comments as EPA Drops Ball on ASTM Recognition Read More »

EPA Scheduled to Publish Recognition of ASTM E1527-21 in March 14th Federal Register

EPA has released a pre-publication copy of its proposed and direct final rule to recognize E1527-21 as a method for complying with its All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI) Rule.  If EPA does not receive any negative comments, the final direct rule will become effective upon the expiration of the public comment period. Upon the effective date,

EPA Scheduled to Publish Recognition of ASTM E1527-21 in March 14th Federal Register Read More »

Governor Hochul Announces Support For BCP Extension and Reform in State of State Report

Governor Kathy Hochul announced support extending the Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP) in her State of the State report today. In addition to extending the BCP tax credits which are scheduled to sunset at the end of this year, the Governor’s State of the State Book states that: The Governor will also expand the tangible property

Governor Hochul Announces Support For BCP Extension and Reform in State of State Report Read More »

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