
Parties Battle Over Scope of Seller’s Post-Closing VCP Obligations

Carroll Co. v. Sherwin-Williams Co., 2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 47349 (D.Md. 4/2/13) involved a dispute over the cleanup obligations of a seller. This case illustrates the drawback of having of a seller complete a cleanup after closing. In December 2005, Carroll Company (Carroll) entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement to purchase a chemical blending and […]

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NY Case Illustrates Dangers of Completing Environmental Questionnaires

The decision in Revell v Guido, 956 N.Y.S.2d 343 (App. Div-3rd Dept. 2012) is another example of the limits of “as is” contracts when it comes to environmental issues. The doctrine of caveat emptor is still valid in commercial transactions but may not insulate sellers from liability when they make misstatements in environmental questionnaires or

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Trio of NJ Cases Are Cautionary Tales For Home Heating Oil Tanks

We have previously discussed the risks posed by residential heating oil tanks in a number of posts covering cases in New York , New Jersey , Oregon, Washington, Mass and Canada. Three recent cases in New Jerseyall involve claims of inadequate disclosure of heating oil illustrate. In Dalton v Shanna Lynn Corp., 2012 N.J. Super. Unpub. LEXIS 874 (App. Div. 4/19/12)

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Settlement Reached in Securities Class Action Suit For Inadequate Environmental Disclosure

The 2009 bankruptcy filing of Tronox, Inc. has spawned some interesting litigation. A trial commenced in May in the bankruptcy court for the Southern District of New York where a Litigation Trust formed as part of the Tronox reorganization plan is seeking $25B in damages from Kerr-McGee, a subsidiary of Anadarko Petroleum. Tronox, a manufacturer

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Contamination at Heart of Litigation Over Failed Subdivisions

The Great Recession caused hundreds of residential development projects to ground to a halt. Not surprising, these failed projects have spawned lots of litigation. An interesting Maryland lawsuit involves allegations of fraud and misrepresentation of environmental issues at a development site, and has ensnarled a foreclosing lender. In U.S. Home v Settler’s Crossing, 2010 U.S.

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Bank Not Liable for Failing To Disclose Environmental Issues At Foreclosure Sale

In Rhima v JPMorgan Chase Bank, 2012 U.S. Dist.LEXIS 70492 (N.D.Tx. 5/18/02), plaintiff was the successful bidder at a foreclosure auction for a warehouse property. The advertised terms and conditions of the foreclosure sale offer indicated that bidders would be provided with environmental reports and access to the property for inspection but the sale was

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Non-Reliance Clause Bars Walk-Away Bidder From Recouping Diligence Costs

The Delaware Supreme Court ruled that a bidder that declined to proceed with a $170 million could not recover recoup $1.2 million in due diligence and negotiation costs. In RAA Management, LLC v. Savage Sports Holdings, Inc., 2012 Del. LEXIS 271 (Del. 5/18/12) , investment fund RAA Management (RAA) was invited by an investor bank

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Court allows Claim To Proceed Against Home Builder For Failing To Disclose Wetlands

In Stalvey v. NVR, Inc., 2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 2506 (N.D. Ohio 1/09/12), the plaintiffs entered into an Ohio Purchase Agreement with defendant for the construction and purchase of a house. As part of the Agreement, defendant provided plaintiff with a Topographic Survey & Improvement Plan that did not depict the presence of wetlands on

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